Imagining God
We are taught that God has no real sex or form but that we imagine a physical God in our own image. Being Christian I was presented with the Trinity with a masculine Father (all powerful, protector, yet loving), Son (Redeemer & guide) and nebulously-sexed Holy Spirit (wisdom and emotional gifts).
I chose to imagine the Spirit as the feminine Sophia but have also added Mother (not Mary) to form a quartet; to the the Mother to whom I attribute the characteristics of Creator (since humans are birthed from women), nourisher & peacemaker (among other characteristics). Christianity was birthed at a time of patriarchy and social unrest and so the images of God reflected the times. We are now blessed with the knowledge of many saintly & powerful women (Phoebe, Joan of Arc, Hildegard of Bingen, Celeste Galileo, Catherine McAuley, St. Elizabeth and many more) and so my prayers now begin....In the name of the Mother, Father, Spirit & Son.
This mother's prayer below is lovely and I do not intend it to replace the Lord's prayer because that represents some different and important truths to my life. I do like this complementary prayer that recognizing another aspect of the holy Godhead.
Our narrative needs to be changed from the offensive taking of power from one group to another to a cooperative building up for the greater good. Here is an example of and eco group action in Iceland that did not harm humans
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