Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Middle East

Though I am a pacifist and discourage economic development through the defense/offense industries of this country, I have several family members whose livelihoods are in the military and who are also on a first name basis with their maker. I yearn for their safety and pray that their service may be that which builds up all God's children; I know that many armed service activities revolve around rebuilding rather than destroying.

 I pray for wisdom for our president and military commanders that they first seek diplomatic solutions over destructive ones.I also struggle to remember to pray and so I have subscribed to two Prayer Patrol's that remind me daily. This is today's Baghdad Prayer Patrol prayer and I want to remember it:

"Right now we want to stand with our brothers and sisters in Iraq, and we want to ask for a wave of divine help as they begin to rebuild their nation. Extend your favor in a special way over your children, as they step forward to see your Presence and blessing be sown into the foundation stone.Give them courage, to go and do and say; give them peace to wait and trust and persevere; give them strength and vision to bring about the patterns, plans and purposes of your heart in their land.Thank you Lord, that when we approach your throne of grace, that you have promised to release your grace and mercy to help in time of need; shower Iraq with fresh rain, release healing winds and the dawn of new things. We declare that the earth is the Lord’s, and we bless the strategic nation of Iraq in Jesus name. Amen."

Our enemy is not Islam but radical fundamentalist's of any faith whose views exclude from eternal salvation anyone that does not believe exactly as they do. I pray for these men (yes predominantly men) and few women that their hearts may be softened and that they may come to seek to build rather than destroy. That they will come to a vision of heaven that includes all of Allah's children.


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