Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Centering Prayer "Blessed are the poor in spirit

Again from Basil Pennington’s “Centering Prayer”

To maintain an unceasing recollection of God, this formula must be ever before you: “O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me”...

Perhaps wandering thoughts surge about my soul like boiling water, and I cannot control them, nor can I offer prayer without its being interrupted by silly images. I feel so dry that I am incapable of spiritual feelings, and many sighs and groans cannot save me from dreariness. I need to say “O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me.”

The mind should go on grasping this formula until it can cast away the wealth and multiplicity of other thoughts...and so it will attain with ease that Gospel beatitude which holds first place among the other beatitudes: “Blessed are the poor  in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”

Meditation:  I can so relate to the boiling water and silly images ... it is so hard to clear my mind of words, images, sounds. I started thinking about what it must have been like to be the first cave woman and have a baby. I had no words, I did not have a to do list that included bills, internet, car schedules. I had only food to pick, a baby to keep safe and feed. I had time to observe, see and listen to the bugs, birds, plants,  animals.  The Spirit was wind, water and fire only for I had no words  or reasons to conceive of a 3 person God.   Those complex societal problems that necessitated Jesus’ coming did not yet exist.

Spirit, help me let go of all the clutter and information that I no longer need and trust that you will provide whatever is needed to do your will. May I be poor in spirit and being.